Chinese architect Sun Dayong has created a conceptual design for a shield that would protect a wearer during a coronavirus outbreak by using UV light to sterilise itself.
Deze week
Food designer Marije Vogelzang blijft zich uitvinden. Nu door het geven van meditatie, je kunt met haar meedoen en je creatieve geest een boost geven.
There are many ways and tools to access your creative brain. You might use them a lot or you might not even think about it. But I am sure you sometimes just try to find a solution to a problem and forget to look beyond what you perceived was possible. Until someone else points it out to you. and then you think: ARGH! That’s so obvious! Why didn’t I think of that?
Het resultaat van geduldig knippen vouwen en plakken met oud drukwerk.
IGEPA Belux - one of the leading paper merchants in Belgium and Luxembourg - wanted to stand out in a crowd of competitors and grab the attention of companies that are concerned about their ecological impact. They challenged us to turn their overview brochure of recycled papers into a little piece of art, and so we did.
Afgelopen januari streek Prada neer in het restaurant van Maxim’s in Parijs voor het ultieme clubgevoel.
Prada presents the fourth iteration of Prada Mode, the travelling social club with a focus on contemporary culture that provides members a unique cultural experience along with music, dining, and conversations.
Ook de mode industrie probeert sustainable als motto te gebruiken, zo ook tijdens de London Fashion Week.
Sustainability is the buzzword in the fashion world today, with the majority of designers adopting eco-friendly practices. Some designers are going one step further by using existing materials or garments and repurposing them to create new clothing and accessory designs.